About me

I’ve been walking the woods in Ardagh on a regular basis for a few years 3 or 4 times a week. Last year I decided to write something and take a picture for each walk and record it for posterity. Many people have a regular walking route that they enjoy and find something noteworthy there every day. So I thought I would stop and think of one thing every day worth mentioning about my walk.

I lived with this woods on my back door for something like 7 years before I started getting out in them on a regular basis. I can cross the fence from my back garden  and be in the woods and have the advantage of having a 4.5km walk with about 400m on public roads. This is good for me and the dogs who accompany me every day and who probably enjoy the experience a lot more than I do.

I don’t make it out every day due to an extreme commute, but I average something like 3 days a week (or so I tell myself). So writing this down will kept me honest over the course of the year.

This year’s goal is to walk 1000km worth of hikes over a mixture of trails, forests and mountains. I will be concentrating a bit less on the backyard walks.

2014-01-12 15.05.03

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