What does it do?

Have you ever sat in one of those meetings with 10 people that just went on forever? Have you ever wondered how much that meeting was costing?

Well, if you want to figure this out, use this little application that allows you calculate these costs on a running basis. To do this is as simple as

1. Enter average salaries for each role in your organisation in a password-protected dialog.
2. Set the password so that nobody can determine these values
3. Select the number of attendees for each role
4. Press start and watch the number update


Download the zip file from here. You will be allowed a 15 day trial after which you will have to purchase a licence for $10 US.


To install, just copy the files out of the zip file into a location and create a shortcut onto your desktop. I shall add an installer if I get sufficient demand. There is no need to do any registry settings or anything like that - the app is smart enough to set itself up. The default password for the salary area is empty.

Configuring Salaries

This is as simple as adding developers setting the salaries. If you would prefer to make it difficult for people to guess what money their colleagues are earning, set a random distribution. This lets the software choose a value within this percentage of the real figure. The values for this dialog are automatically saved in a safe place.

You must also set the number of hours in a working day and a number of holidays (including public holidays) for all employees.

Setting up Meetings

Before each meeting, go to the "Setup Meeting" dialog and choose the number of each type of attendee at the meeting. The values for this dialog are automatically saved in the registry.