Quick walk along the branch

I wanted to get a medium length walk so as to avoid going a whole month between long walks so the branch was an ideal length for me. I set off quite late in the day at about 11:30 but this wasn’t an issue as it is only a bit over three hours of a walk.


I decided to take the younger of our two dogs with me as she was well able for it. It is mandatory to use a lead on the canal and as there are several road crossings, it would probably be unwise not to.


I made good time along the section through the outskirts of Longford town and was crossing the N63 after about half an hour. At this point, it gets a lot wilder with willow trees growing in the line.


I kept travelling at a reasonable pace making a little over 5 km per hour. We kept this up until we got to the main line which is a bit of 8 km into the walk. I took a short break here and had a snack before pushing on.


I stopped to talk to a couple of kayakers on the way towards Killashee. Indeed, the guy there doing kayak hire was doing a roaring trade and there were no less than 5 boats out on the canal.


The elderberries are close to being ready. You really need to be quick if you want to pick these as the birds tend to get them very quickly.


It was all go on the bog section near Clondra and there were a lot of people working there despite it being a Sunday. I guess you take your dry days when you get them at this time of year.

I made it into Clondra after about 3 hours and 15 minutes which isn’t bad for a 16.5 km walk. I’ve posted this walk as being slightly longer before but my new phone’s GPS is giving me a bit less credit so I’ll still with what it told me.

705.5 km

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